First Prize 5,000 Entre Card Credits
Second Prize 2,000 Entre Card Credits
Third Prize 1,000 Entre Card Credits
Plus one prize of 500 Entre Card Credits each week for four weeks
That is a total of 10,000 Entre Card Credits.
Rules: The rules are simple and like most competitions.
- Write a Post on your site promoting this competition.
- The post has to link to this article.
- The post has to link to either FeedFlare or to my post on Feed Flare HERE
- The post has to link to either Bloghology or to my post on Bloghology HERE.
- Leave a comment here on this post with the URL to your post (comments are dofollow).
Your post must include all three links and start on the front page. So long as your post is promoting this competition and includes the above links, you can write what you like, including negatives.
Each week I will draw a post from that weeks entries. That post will win 500 Entre Card Credits. On the 29th of February I will arrange to have three post drawn from all entries. First post drawn will win 5000 Entre Card credits. Second drawn will 2000 credits and third drawn will win 1000 credits.
Good Luck to all who choose to enter. I look forward to reading your posts.
1. Across this bridge
2. Marketing myself
3. Struggling parents
4. When life become a book
5. Read Between the Lines
6. Internet Lifestyle
7. The Sleeping Turtle Art Gallery

1 comment:
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