Blogger Widgets When My Life Becomes a Book: Trip to Oroville

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Trip to Oroville

The trip to "Oroville" on the beautiful morning, In fact it just happens to be my boyfriends birthday !!! "Happy Birthday Baby". We took Alex's boyfriend "Z" (Z stands for Zillman, its a French name) to work so he can make 120 dollars...

Mee ...looking like "crap"...tooo early and I forgot my "COFFEE"....;(

Alex begged me to ride to "Oroville" to take her boyfriend to work. And even know I hate that drive to "Oroville", I went to take pictures. "Oroville" has a very bad name because of the people who live there, its been heard to be called the drunk and druggy town. It has 2 casinos and they are owned by Indians. The town is a very cheap place to buy property but the name that its developed is bad. 2 more weeks and her boyfriend will finally have a car and I finally get my car back...

My daughter Alex, "The Driver", and a truck dropped trash out of their back end and Alex (being the great driver she is) turned around the trash, ("thinking ahead what to do".) LOL....I've become a passenger of my own car..

Sign coming into Chico

Beautiful Rosemary herb growing on the side of a new freeway over pass, just coming back into our home town

Table Mountain

My Entrecard drop list

My 300 Entrecard drop list (Just the beginning). Only 19 so far

"Moo" Cows

My feet in my car

New Oroville Jail being built.

I wrote on this picture describing the "O" stands for Oroville and the "Table Mountain", see the "Moo" Cows below, if you click on the photo you can view it larger.

Saturday morning drive to Oroville, a town only 30 minutes from the town we live in.

My other blogs;
1. Across this bridge
2. Marketing myself
3. Struggling parents
4. When life become a book
5. Read Between the Lines
6. Internet Lifestyle
7. The Sleeping Turtle Art Gallery