Blogger Widgets When My Life Becomes a Book: Is VineFire a SCAM?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Is VineFire a SCAM?

My opinion about VineFire;

Join Vinefire!

is that whether it's a SCAM or not, I've submitted my links (of all 7 of my blogs) the traffic flow has increased since yesterday when I signed up, and I have one sign up. I've searched the internet on whether it's a scam or not and bumped into a website Profiles Blog . Everyone has their you may or may not try it.

I've been playing my grandsons PS2 with the game some game called something like black hawk down. Its fun and entertaining, plus I've been blog hopping reading some very good blogs. I want thank those that return the favor coming to visit my blogs and leaving comments, I've been blogging off and on for about 3 or 4 years and I'm finally getting some readers. Thanks again all and have a wonderful weekend !!!

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My other blog;
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
1. Across this bridge
2. Struggling parents
3. When life become a book
4. Read Between the Lines
5. The Sleeping Turtle Art Gallery
6. Layout Marketing
7. Internet Lifestyle
8. Marketing Myself


bluedreamer said...

affiliates are sometimes can be very risky though there are many sites that are reliable and will sure give you a big bucks
by the way thanks for placing my link
have a nice weekend

rahma said...

hi there. thanks for visiting.. am visiting u back ^-^ v

Struggling Parents said...

have a nice weekend, and thanks for dropping by!!