Population (year...(2000): 298
Males: 150 .......(50.3%)
Females: 148......(49.7%)
Median resident age: 39.4 years
California median age: 33.3 years
For population 25 years and over in Lemon Cove
* High school or higher: 77.1%
* Bachelor's degree or higher: 16.4%
* Graduate or professional degree: 4.2%
* Unemployed: 7.1%
* Mean travel time to work: 25.7 minutes
For population 15 years and over in Lemon Cove CDP
* Never married: 17.9%
* Now married: 54.1%
* Separated: 4.4%
* Widowed: 8.7%
* Divorced: 14.8%
24 residents are foreign born (5.4% Asia, 1.3% Europe, 1.3% Latin America).
This place: 8.1%
California: 26.2%
Average household size:
This place: 2.5 people
California: 2.9 people
Percentage of family households:
This place: 63.6%
Whole state: 68.9%
Percentage of households with unmarried partners:
This place: 4.1%
Whole state: 5.9%
No gay or lesbian households reported
Residents with income below the poverty level in 1999:
This place: 32.6%
Whole state: 14.2%
Residents with income below 50% of the poverty level in 1999:
This place: 4.2%
Whole state: 6.3%
Lemon Cove compared to California state average:
* Median household income below state average.
* Median house value below state average.
* Black race population percentage significantly below state average.
* Renting percentage below state average.
* Number of college students below state average.
* Percentage of population with a bachelor's degree or higher below state average.
Lemon Cove is known for its sequoia trees.

Wish their could of been more pictures to show you, I do know they have property for sale...lol...
Terry Freeman Freeman Family Web Designers CA, 95973 US | Work: /div> teri412002@yahoo.com | |
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A pix of the local church in Lemon Cove can be found at www.lemoncovepres.org
More history can be found at http://www.kaweahcommonwealth.com/7-23-04features.htm under...POGUE HOTEL: The founding of Lemon Cove
Enjoy! Lemon Cove really is a great friendly little place!
Thanks !!!
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