Even though there is much work yet to be done, and numerous
obstacles still to be overcome, there is no reason to be
dismayed. Because as each moment comes, you can fill it with
effort and value, and your life will continue to grow richer
as a result.
It's a mistake to assume that effort is something to be
diligently avoided. To wish for a life free of challenges is
to wish for a life in which it would be impossible to find
any kind of real fulfillment.
Look back at where you've come from and you will understand.
The times that have brought the most value and richness to
your life were the times that demanded the most of you.
Find your joy in the challenges, in the efforts, in the
living and in the giving. The moments when much is asked of
you are the moments when great richness is added to your
experience of life.
Think of what a valuable and magnificent opportunity it is
to be able to work, to learn, to grow, to accomplish and to
find sweet fulfillment in making a difference. Realize how
blessed you are in having access to the challenges that will
pull you forward.
There is always work to be done. And that is something for tha
which you can truly be thankful.
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I cant understand most of what you typed into my comment space, could you translate that please, have a great day!!!
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