Blogger Widgets When My Life Becomes a Book: Panic Attacks "It can happen anytime, anywhere..."

Friday, September 28, 2007

Panic Attacks "It can happen anytime, anywhere..."

It can happen anytime, anywhere — when you're alone, with others, at home, in public, even awakening you from a sound sleep. Suddenly, your heart begins to race, your face flushes and you experience shortness of breath. You feel dizzy, nauseated and out of control. Some people even feel like they're dying.

You may have experienced a panic attack — a sudden episode of intense fear that prompts severe physical reactions in your body. Many people, thinking they're having a heart attack, go to the emergency room. Others try to ignore the signs and symptoms, not realizing that they're experiencing a panic attacks.

More women than men are affected by panic attacks. Some people are affected by frequent panic attacks, a condition known as panic disorder.

Although panic attacks were once dismissed as nerves or stress, they're now recognized as a potentially disabling, but treatable condition. A variety of approaches, including medications, therapy and relaxation techniques, can help you control or prevent panic attacks.

1 comment:

Speedcat Hollydale said...

I gravitated to this post, as I have been through these panic attacks before. Have you too?

I do not have them now, but years ago (when I decided to quite drinking once and for all) these would scare the tar out of me!

PS... what form of blog marketing has worked the best for you so far?

Speedcat -links to my page