I don’t know how to feel, or what to do next. I’m homeless, and with no money, I have a child that's 17, just one more year and I feel I have failed before she makes it on her own. I’ve been selfish, thinking only of myself,. I worry on where we are going to stay each night, and if any of the people that we stay at cares. They just are just getting tired of us and this is all getting old.
Things aren't happening as fast as I want them to, I’m use to making 2,400 a month and now its completely dropped to 550. a month because I was injured. Workers Comp and Disability has run out, I’ve gone to Welfare, taking pills for chronic pain and losing weight, loss of time...where do I go from here Lord, I pray, I cry and scream, wondering where my life is heading. I’ve failed my kids, attempted suicide, tried overdosing, I want to sleep forever, but life continues, I have kids that look up to me. Its too hard lord for me, please lift all of this off my shoulders, take my emotional pain away and chronic pain, so I can think straight.
I thank you for all you have given me through my life. I am proud of my children in what they have become, each and everyone of them bring me happiness, I wish I can return the favor...Amen
Just to send you love, to know that others hear your pleas. I know that this may seem impossible, but while you are in such a state of pain throughout your being, if you had an opportunity presented to you on a golden plate, you couldn't recognize it because of your pain. You aren't a failure, you have accomplished a lot--and will accomplish more.
It doesn't matter what is, it matters what you can imagine. If you can't imagine a better life for yourself, then there's no path for your spirit to follow.
You have to love & value yourself first--I mean from your heart and gut, otherwise, moving forward can't happen. Please shine a brilliant, gleaming light on your spirit. Feel it, bask in it. You're the only one who can do this for yourself.
Agree with previous person.I hope things get better for you.I know words are inadequate right now - you need practical help.
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